If you want to contact me, you can do it via LinkedIn.  This is my profile:

I define myself as an electronics and life lover. All started when I was 6 years old. I was so pasionate for electricity that I twist a piece of aluminium foil and inserted it onto a mains plug! Yes I discovered what electricity was right there!


Next years I tried to understand why fuses where blown and my mother was absolutely scared. I used to open all out of use electronic devices such as radios, computers, speakers and other. I was really interested what was inside them that made it run.

On Bachelor studies I constructed PIC8: a small robot that was able to follow lines, avoid obstacles and follow the light. It was my first dip onto electronics. I learned to make PCB using homemade fotolites,  programming PIC micocontrollers,  using motor drivers… This is my job:

PIC8 Sentits Artificials

Inmediatly I went to UPC University in order to study Telecomunication Engeeneering. There I had the possibility to work on a R+D project of Telecom Dept. where I did my final grade research. You can read my tech document here:

Receptor UWB

There I used Oscilloscopes, Spectrum Analyzers and high-end equipment. I also learned to program FPGA’s, using PCB milling CNC machines, hand solder precission IC’s..

(I have to finish writting about my life..)